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Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

Proposal Quantitative Research


P R O P  O S A L

Lecturer: Wawan Prasetyo , S.Pd, M.Pd.

Composed By:

NPM: 12188203266



CHAPTER I   :  INTRODUCTION                                                       
                           A.     The Background of the study………………..…           1
                           B.     Statement of the problem………….........………                  3         
                           C.     The Limitation of the Research…….....…………         3
                           D.     The Objectives of the Study…………..........……         5
                           E.      The Significance of The Study ……………..…            5
                           A.        Research Location……………………………           6
                           B.        Design of the Researc.……………………                 6
                           C.        Population and Sample………………………            6
                           D.        Instrument of The Research………………….            7
                           E.         Data Collection....................................……….           8
                           F.         Data Analysis........................................………           9


A. The Background of the Study
In English teaching, there are four language elements namely: Structure, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Spelling. Those elements are through in order to develop the student skill in the language learning. One second of them should be noticed is pronunciation which is considered difficult element method that can be applied in learning pronunciation.
Nurhayati ( 2008 ) states that the pronunciation means knowledge of knowing to produce word which is very essential in oral communication when speakers mispronounce the word, people can be misunderstand. To reduce it, the teacher must equip the learner with English certain degree accuracy and fluency in understanding, responding and in expressing
him self in the language in speech in other the learners communicatively in using the language.
The specific characteristic of English learners who categorized as good and successful oral skill developer is those good pronunciation accent. A good pronunciation accent suggested is a accent of pronunciation that sounds like native speakers. Therefore, it is necessary for English learners to have a good pronunciation to support them to be good speakers ( Nurhayati, 2008 ). Teachers of English as a foreign language should be sensitive in viewing and overcoming such problems above. 
Among those language skills, one most focused until today is speaking. We know that speaking plays an important role in human communication. The importance of having ability to speak is becoming more noticed moreover for the students of English department. They are asked to be able to speak English. It will seem to be ridiculous when they still cannot use English in communication.
Although speaking is the easiest way of learning, it does not mean that speaking has no component. It is like other language skills, each student must begin speaking by knowing its components such as fluency, accuracy, spelling and pronunciation. Those components relate to one another and need learning in order to have pleasant speaking. The absence of one of those components will produce a poor result of speaking.
          Realizing this problem, the students need to focus in one speaking component. In this case, pronunciation is chosen as one phenomenon in English. It refers to the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced. (Hornby AS, et. Al, 1974. Oxford Advenced Leorner,s Dictionary of current. English. USA N London. O. U ). Pronunciation is definitely the biggest thing that people notice when we are speaking. We use English for communication so automatically we need pronunciation. Good pronunciation should be one of the first things that we learn in English. We still can communicate without using advanced vocabulary we can use simple words to say what we want to say. We do not have to use advanced English grammar because we can use simple grammar structures instead but there is no simple pronunciation.
          Pronunciation has its own components to learn and it is not simple as well as many people think. If we try to contrast between English and Indonesian language we will find that there are some sounds in English pronunciation that are absent in Indonesian language. We call it as contrastive sounds. For instance the phonetic of /θ/ and /ð/ in words such as “think” and “the.” Many Indonesian pronounce them as /sIη/ and /de/. This is a common mistake that cannot be overlooked because can cause misunderstand.
Therefore, the students have to learn the English pronunciation as much as possible in order to improve their pronunciation skill so that their pronunciation is intelligible. In doing this, they will need one strategy that can?
B. Statements of the Problem
I intended to focus on answering the question: How is the correlation between listening English songs habit and pronounciation mastery of the students?

C.   Limitation Of The Research
To analyzed the correlation between listening English songs habit and prononounciation mastery in the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Pogalan. The writer focuses only in pronounciation mastery of student. And the subject absolutely in eleventh grade SMKN 1 Pogalan.

D. The Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study were based on the statement of the problem above that this was to get the correlation between listening English songs habit and pronounciation mastery of the students. Whether that habit can improving the pronounciation of the students or not.

E.  Significance of the Study
I hoped that this thesis will be useful to:
1.     Practical benefit
Listening English songs habit for the English learners is a good way to improving their skill in pronounciation mastery, which appeared in their result of the study. This habit is useful for the English learners because after they listening that songs they will be remember the pronounciation of every words in that song. The songs used in this study are related to teaching pronunciation. The songs are designed to create a feeling of enjoyment and relaxation among the students. Songs may also be instrumental in helping students to develop a positive emotional attitude towards learning English. Teaching English through songs can help students to learn the pronunciation.

2.     Theoritical benefit
          To be the source of information for other researchers who are also investigating the correlation between listening English songs and pronounciation mastery.

A.   Research Location
The research was conducted at SMKN 1 Pogalan at Jl. Tulungagung No.3, Pogalan, Trenggalek. Because this place has Pronunciation Practice subject in curriculum 2013 of teaching and learning process.

B.   Design of the Research
In this research, the writer uses a design which is called correlation research. This research design describes the correlation between listening English songs habit  and the mastery of pronounciation in eleventh grade student of SMKN 1 POGALAN in academic years 2013/2014.
This research has two variables; they are one independent variable and one dependent variable.
a.     Variable 1: the habit to listening English songs of the students in eleventh grade student of SMKN 1 Pogalan in academic years 2013/2014.
b.     Variable 2: the mastery of pronounciation in eleventh grade student of SMKN 1 Pogalan in academic years 2013/2014.

C.   Population and Sample
a.      Population
The totals of population of students are 120 students. They divided in to four classes. They are: XI A, XI B, XI C,XI D. Every class consists of 30 students.

b.      Sample
In selecting the students as the sample, the writer used cluster random sampling technique. The class chooses is XIA.

The steps to take cluster random sampling are:
1.   The writer prepares 3 pieces of paper and each paper written by each class.
2.   The writer rolls it.
3.   The writer shakes the rolling paper.
4.   The writer chooses one from the three rolling papers.
5.   The writer opens the paper.
6.   From the cluster random sampling, the writer find one class that is XI A.

D.    Instrument of the Research
The instrument of the research that used by the writer is oral test and documentation to collect the data.
a.       Oral test
The writer used oral test to know the pronouncition mastery of students. The writer presenting sounds or melodies and then asking the students to listen to the song and get anything related to it, such as their feelings or opinions. And the teacher give the test about pronounciation practice to the students.

b.      Documentation
The documentation in this research is the list of daily test value in pronounciation practice of the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Pogalan in the academic year 2013/2014. It to knows the mastery of pronounciation practice of students.

E.     Data Collection
To collect the data for this research, the writer conducts several steps as follows:
1.     Asking permission to the Chief of Teacher Training and Education PGRI Trenggalek.
2.     Asking permission to the Headmaster of SMKN 1 Pogalan.
3.      Asking permission to English teacher inSMKN 1 Pogalan.
4.     Determining the class as the sample in the research.
5.     Preparing the instrument of the research.
6.     Asking the data of the students’ pronounciation mastery on the list of daily test value to the English teacher.

F.      Data Analysis
In order to describes the speaking ability and the mastery of pronounciation. The writer used formula Mean, standard deviation and correlation product moment correlation to calculate index correlation speaking and pronounciation.

Analytic Rubrics for Testing Speaking Skill
Task Description:
Quantity of information communicated (relative to level)
A / A-
10 / 9
Communicates significantly more information than required to fulfill the task; includes elaboration and detail.
Communicates more information than required to fulfill the task.
Communicates adequate information to fulfill the task.
Communicates some information, but amount is less than adequate
5 - 0
Provides almost no information, or there is not enough speech to evaluate.

Fluency (relative to level)
A / A-
5 / 4.5
Speech is smooth and flowing. No hesitancy or rephrasing.
Speech is smooth for the most part. Occasional hesitancy. Some rephrasing.
Speech is generally hesitant and often choppy.
Speech is extremely hesitant and choppy. Frequent pauses and/or unfinished phrases.
2 - 0
Speech is limited to isolated words or short phrases. No fluency.

Pronunciation (relative to level)
A / A-
10 / 9
No errors in pronunciation that impede comprehension.
A few errors in pronunciation rarely impede comprehension.
Occasional pronunciation errors cause some confusion or misunderstanding.
Frequent pronunciation errors cause consistent confusion or misunderstanding.
5 - 0
So many pronunciation errors that comprehension is impossible.
Total: ________

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